Gwen and John have lived on this earth a fairly good period of time and have accumulated a whole lot of stuff (it really is more than we know what to do with already; if you want to see what we're talking about, click here).
If there’s anything we want most, it would be to have our family and friends around us as we celebrate our union. If you feel you must give us something, here are some suggestions:
The best gift you can give us is your company, your help with setting up and cooking/serving, and your talent in the talent show. Really.
Yours or ours. Ours are the ones that brought us together, the Atlanta Friends Meeting, or Friends of Georgia State Parks.
If you'd like to chip in for the group camp and cabins, or for meals other than the reception, or to cover a hotel night or a meal on our honeymoon, please contact Gwen's brother David Davies, who is coordinating this option for us.
After much consternation we've reluctantly registered for a few things at Bed Bath & Beyond and Target. The BB&B staff appeared genuinely concerned about our paltry selection, saying earnestly, "You really ought to consider adding some finger towels and hand towels -- at least three full sets." We are of a different mind.
If you want to go hog-wild, we're also interested in installing a passive solar water pre-heater. And we'd enjoy just about anything from the store that time seems to have forgotten, Rutledge Hardware.